Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Voices from the field
Intro: About the podcasts
Episode 1: Interview with Christine Kaufmann - President of the Centre for Human Rights Studies of the University of Zürich
Regulatory developments in the field of responsible business conduct in Switzerland and abroad – opportunities and challenges for Swiss companies – with Prof. Dr. Christine Kaufmann, President of the Centre for Human Rights Studies of the University of Zürich

Episode 2: Interview with Peter Nestor - Global Head of Human Rights at Novartis
Implementing human rights due diligence in a global (pharmaceutical) company – with Peter Nestor, Global Head of Human Rights, Novartis

Episode 3: Interview with Catherine Rehbinder - Global CSR Manager at Sucafina (in French)
Implementing human rights due diligence as a multinational coffee trader - with Catherine Rehbinder, Global CSR Manager, Sucafina

Episode 4: Interview with Karin Reiter - SVP Sustainability & ESG at The Adecco Group (in German)
Implementing human rights due diligence in a services company operating at the global level - with Karin Reiter, SVP Sustainability & ESG, The Adecco Group